Production's Blog: The Handle Size
When choosing a wooden bat model, we often refer to the size of the barrel or even its length, but very rarely we refer to the size of the handle.
Several models are much alike apart from the size of their handle. In fact, the handle is undoubtedly the most important part of the model. This is where the player will find his comfort and its size can greatly influence a player’s swing. For a barrel of equal size, a larger handle will better distribute the weight over the entire length of the bat and it will be less top-heavy.
Regarding your swing, a bigger handle can help the batter stay inside the ball and avoid rolling over the ball. In baseball language, rolling over the ball means, for example, for a right-handed hitter, to hit the top of the ball and get high ground balls at shortstop or third base.
When we look from a physics angle, a larger handle exponentially increases the strength and durability of the bat. So, as you can see, everything seems to benefit the biggest handles, but the most important thing is to have a good feeling when you have the bat in your hands.
When we are in the batter’s box, we must think of nothing. The majority of aluminum bats models have a very small handle, so when it comes time to choose his wooden bat, one often chooses, and maybe even wrongly, a small handle. The next time you choose a model, take a few minutes to analyze the different handles offered.
On this, have fun hitting balls and we talk again soon!
The author Olivier Lépine is the Production Manager at B45 since the company's debut in 2004. If you have any question, please post a comment below and we will be glad to answer you.
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