Production's Blog: Small or Large Barrel? Publié par Olivier Lépine · 31 mai, 2018 B45 production manager Olivier Lépine tells you whether to choose a baseball bat with a small barrel or a large barrel. Plus Filtres: our team products
Production's Blog: The Ins and Outs of the Ink Dot Publié par Olivier Lépine · 15 mars, 2018 B45 production manager Olivier Lépine explains why there is an ink dot on Big Leagues bats. Plus Filtre: products
Made by B45: We Love Yellow Birch Baseball Bats Publié par Marc-Antoine Gariepy · 01 mars, 2018 Did you know that B45 was the first manufacturer to believe that exceptional bats could be made from yellow birch? A ton of reasons had us love this species from the get-go, but let’s bring it back to two major characteristics: power and strength. Plus Filtre: products
Made by B45: Jordan Lennerton and his single-bat season Publié par Marc-Antoine Gariepy · 24 janvier, 2018 Ever heard about our bats' durability? Professional player Jordan Lennerton played his 2017 season using the same bat through all 106 games. Plus Filtre: products